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Lords of the Flies

After buying the Dark Vengeance boxed set I did a fair bit of ummming and ahhhing about the colour scheme for the Chaos force.  In an earlier post I had settled on making them Word Bearers, with the Cultists following different gods, the autogun armed bunch being Nurgle worshippers, and the close combat ones slaughtering for Khorne.

Then I looked at my 500 points worth of Lords of the Flies marines I did for a GW store painting competition a few years back and thought "Why don't I just expand this army instead?".  So we're back to Nurgle colours, which to be honest are my favourite colours to paint anyway.  The original force consisted of:
  • Chaos Sorceror
  • 7 Chaos Space Marines, 1 x Flamer, Aspiring Champion with Chainsword
  • 7 Chaos Space Marines, 1 x Meltagun, Aspiring Champion with Power sword
  • 3 Bikers
I have no idea how much this costs out as now, I'll pick up the new Codex this week hopefully and work out a new army list using the original force bulked out with the new Dark Vengeance stuff.  The Bikers have never made an appearance on the net, so they deserve a little of the spotlight:

From what I remember these bad boys were an absolute pain in the posterior to paint, they just weren't much fun (which doesn't bode well for the Ravenwing).

The green I think was Catachan Green washed with Devlan Mud and highlighted with Catachan and Camo Green.  The bone colour was Khemri Brown, shaded with Devlan Mud, highlighted with Khemri Brown and Dheneb Stone.  The brown was Scorched Brown, again washed with Devlan Mud and highlighted with Scorched Brown, Bestial Brown and Snakebite Leather.

They fit in reasonably well with the new cultists I've done, although I think it does go to show that I've progressed technique wise a fair bit in these few years.  I'm not sure whether to go back and do the classic brown base trim on the cultists, or redo the old stuff with a black trim - the brown is Graveyard Earth, which I very much doubt I'll be able to get any more of.  

The first of the Chosen marines is 60% done, so hopefully should have some pictures of him, and 5 more cultists up soon.

As always comments and criticism welcome!

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